Sunday, April 27, 2008

Desk Crit Received #7

From: ki-hyun Koo
Date: 04/23/08

I think that your project concept is very useful and creative. Because it deals with health issues that we all are mindful. I myself also try to calculate calories when I eat Italian food.
I think that game approach would be on of the easiest and most comfortable way to learn the subject. I guess learners would understand the subject easy compared with other strategies (ex> book, homepage, etc)

However, I would like to suggest you few points after experiencing this program. Hope my suggestions would be helpful to you.

1) To me, colors of the above picture look a bit dark, and the objects are not quite related to Italian food, or preparing meal (ex> cook, or person who preparing his/her meal in the kitchen) will be better.

2) I think there are many words with same emphasis in this page, so it’s hard for me to recognize what is the important in the page. How about using bullets or images to improve the readability of the page?

3) There isn’t “back” button, so learners can’t see previous page as they proceed the program. So, if the learners want to know “instruction” part (the first page of this program,), they have to finish all the pages and start again.

How about making navigation menu? next, back button >

4) Since I have no idea of making Italian food, learners like me may need more information what is the best way to cook Italian food. I think the learners also need more information, or tips for this program. How about presenting specific examples? For example, explain advantages or disadvantages for each one when we cook Italian food.

5) After completing this program, the learners were to get feedback. I think it’s a great idea. I would however give more specific feedbacks such as good advices or so.

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