Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Journal Entry 7: Last week :-s

Final week, I can’t believe this semester is almost over and I’m about to get my project done :) I’m really surprised with the amount of desk crits that I received and all the comments and positive feedback that I have got so far. I’ll be posting here pretty soon two more desk crits that I have gotten and also my service hours. I have developed the logo for the studio wiki and also whale illustrations for one of the 6210 teams.

During this past week, I have collected real photos of the foods to add to my project. Some of the desk crits that I have received pointed out the importance of having real photos or appropriated graphics to this project. Also, I have created a character to my game simulation. This character will be introduced in the first screen of the game and he’ll serve as guide and reference to players.

One thing that I believe that I won’t be able to accomplish by tomorrow is to make all the changes that people requested. For example, it took me more than I have imagined to collect real photos of the food, especially regarding copyright issues. Some of the photos I took them myself and I don’t think they came out that good.

Also this past week, I read Dr. Rieber’s article: “Seriously Considering Play: Designing Interactive Learning Environments Based on the Blending of Microworlds, Simulations, and Games”. I really enjoyed reading his article. I think he put a lot of effort in this literature review, gathering ideas and main concepts about games, simulations and microworlds. In this article, he defines educational simulation as a system that let players/users experience the results of actions or decisions through feedback generated by the simulation (Rieber,1996). I think his definition of simulation defines very well what I’m trying to accomplish with my project.

I’ll keep working on it, trying to make as good as possible for tomorrowJ!! I know for sure that this project will definitely need more work in the future in order to become a full game (I couldn’t do it due to time constraint and lack of AS skills).


Rieber, L. P. (1996). Seriously considering play: Designing interactive learning environments based on the blending of microworlds, simulations, and games. Educational Technology Research & Development, 44(2), 43-58.